This is a very simple window that shows the music that you've recoded. StaionRipper is not a music management app. We recommend getting one (MediaMonkey being a very good choice)

- Details - show information about the song, including the folder where it's been recorded to.
- Play - launch your default music player to listen to the song
- Delete. One of the features of StaionRipper is if you delete a song, from here or from File Explorer, StationRipper will "remember" the song and not record it.
- Checking "Delete File" will physically delete the file.
- Leaving "Delete form DB" unchecked will make sure StationRipper remembers the song.
- Unchecking "Delete form DB" will make StaionRipper forget it recorded the song (so it will re-record it if a station plays it in the future)
- Open Folder will bring up file explorer to the folder thaat songs are being recorded to.
Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Easily create EPub books